Industry: Construction


International company, more than 40 divisions worldwide, headquartered in Europe
Strategic Integration increases Sales Team Productivity,
fuelling a $25.37 billion Revenue Surge
About the client
A world-renowned construction company, and a leader in the construction of oil, gas and electric power plants, industrial and civil construction, EPC contracts, and design.

The company was founded in 1996, currently has 40 offices in different countries and more than 25,000 employees. Human-related processes play an outstanding role in this company.

The goal of the project was nothing less than to organize the chaos and tie everything together.


One of the most important steps in the sales process is a complex, and time-consuming process of tenders with extensive documentation.

The company doesn't use the term "Opportunity" because one construction project may involve multiple sales of different service groups and goods, scattered across the globe.

A reasonable number of employees work remotely, whereas the company’s systems lacked remote login security.

The company conducts business in different countries as several different legal entities, each having their own systems and information. Meanwhile, the HQ needs a comprehensive overview of all of them.

Analysis and forecasting are hindered by having scattered data. Supervising large and costly projects attracts significant government oversight, necessitating pristine documentation.

Staff resistance to change– previous attempts to optimize processes and establish a unified holistic IT architecture with other contractors were not successful.

Completed on the Salesforce platform:

Implementation and customization of a complete sales stage construction project management tool that is not just a simple CRM or project management tool. It allows
  • Saving records according to construction project, not by opportunity;
  • Separating workflows by construction project type;
  • Having a dedicated builder for project cost, etc.

Implementation of a background check service for Business partners.

Start screen customization for each role, displaying only relevant information and simplifying data and KPI controls.

Process Automation.

Development of a Tool for Branching and Complex Approval Processes.

Configuring analytics and forecasting.

Implementation of a Unified Project Documentation Database.

Data Systematization and Cleansing.

Completed integrations

Sales & Service
We could link factories across Europe with a network of pipelines, but didn’t seem to be able to connect anything within our own system. Finally, we've managed to pull it off — thanks to Riberatec. Miracles do happen!
Words of the project manager on the client’s side at the last project meeting
Chaos has been successfully expelled, transparency is assured in every process, and data uniformity at every stage is ensured.

Possibility to organize full-fledged analytics and sales forecasting, ensure transaction security, improve warehouse and purchasing policy of raw materials and supplies.

Changed sales strategy in the civil construction industry.

Reduction of contractual risks.

Reduction of management personnel time wasted.

Revenue growth.
Results of salesforce integration for a construction company
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