We have created our own system to enhance and enrich the competence of software engineers, which is aimed at:

  • increasing the quality of professional knowledge and skills;
  • expanding their toolset;
  • improving development culture;
  • increasing the transparency of the quality of work performed;
  • optimizing work in the team (identifying the strengths and weaknesses of each team member and helping to focus on growth areas);
  • objective career development within the company.
The program includes:
  • 1
    A Competency Matrix
    This is the basis of our program.
    We have developed a competency grid, according to which we track progress and evaluate employees, create a training program and training groups, identify white spots in the team’s expertise or bottlenecks (for example, the company does not have enough specialists who work with a certain popular framework or technology).
  • 2
    Quality lectures on:
    • Databases;
    • Programming technologies;
    • Web services development technologies;
    • Web Development;
    • Object-Oriented Programming and Modeling;
    • Systems integration techniques and approaches;
    • Intelligent data analysis;
    • Security.
    Training groups are created by blocks in matrices, each lasting for a period of 2 months, after which evaluation is done, and thereafter, a change in the group’s competence matrix. Lastly, new training groups are created.
  • 3
    Flight Simulator
    This is a system of tasks and projects that mimic reality. Flight simulators come with all the typical difficulties and challenges that arise during the implementation of a real project. After each block of lectures is completed, a flight simulator project is assigned.
  • 4
    Experience sharing (Best practice coding)
    • Monthly - we organize master classes and "Programming Cookbooks" where we share interesting solutions and analyze bugs together.
    • Weekly -  A development manager chosen at random by a robot in our corporate portal reviews one team member's work.
  • 5
    Project management
    • Project management using GitHub.
    • Working with a task-tracker;
    • Working in a team;
    • Time management.
  • 6
    Business specifics
    • Documentation;
    • Understanding terminology and business specifics by industry.
This program was developed entirely by us. We use it in our company, adapting it to each developer's level. Would you like to implement the same in your company? Schedule a meeting.
We are ready to share our experience!
We actively cooperate with universities:

  • The heads of our departments are instructors at different universities;
  • We accept students on our internship program;
  • We offer jobs to the best students.

HOWEVER, we do not use students' work in real-life projects. Students are only permitted to work on real projects after successfully passing the probation period and they can commit to full-time work.