Salesforce Implementation in a Large Company — Part 2

In part 1, we discussed the first 2 important steps for implementing Salesforce in a big company:

Stage 1 - Initial configuration and customization
Stage 2 - Data and user import

In this part we talk about
Stage 3 - Internal Processes
Stage 4 - HR automation “Employee comfort”

Roadmap for implementing Salesforce in an Enterprise

Stage 3 — Internal Processes

In the third stage, our task is to help employees “start living” inside the unified information system. If in the second stage we gave a "candy" to help ease employee transition to the unified system, in the third stage, many useful sections should be launched at once.
Internal Processes
This makes the third stage key.
If implemented successfully, employees will be able to solve their work-related and organisational tasks in Salesforce every day.

You can also develop gamification to simplify the path of new employees and motivate them to success.
Salesforce performance center
Questions for Stage 3
For the third stage, you will need to collect requirements to prepare a lot of information:
IT service
Accounting department
Project office
Administrative and Economic Department
Salesforce Implementation company
Results of the third stage
Expected results of the third stage:
  1. People actively use the unified information system for frequent tasks.
  2. The number of emails and physical papers decreases.
  3. Employees switch less between different programs and can devote more time to their basic responsibilities
  4. The management receives a clear picture of all company processes and the tools to control them transparently.
The third stage is a key one in the whole Salesforce project. This stage covers the core reasons why a company implements a unified information system. It also has the most questions to be answered of all the stages.

If you already see a similar need, write to us.

Stage 4 — HR automation or Employee comfort

The next key task after launching the main processes in Salesforce is personnel happiness and comfort. It is important to make things “easy” for staff. When a company grows, the information system grows with it. It's a whole world that needs proper management.
HR automation or Employee comfort
to answer before embarking on stage 4
1.What formal and informal actions are required of a new recruit? How is the process of on-boarding for a newbie organised? For example:
- Is there a beginner training course?
- Are there tests that employees need to pass in order to gain access to certain sections of the system?
- Is a tour of the company premises organised for newbies?

2.How is employee training organised?
For example:
-Training could be organised completely Offline, Employees take courses and tests;
- If there is no such process, it must be built.

3.Is there a process and special software for building a “Corporate online Training centre”? Has a Learning Management System been implemented?
- yes, for example, iSpring or Moodle;
- not yet, but there are plans to do so.
If the answer to the two previous questions is “no, but there are plans to do so”,Our recommendation is to Build a training and certification system in Salesforce.

4.Is there a process for measuring, analysing, and publishing quantitative indicators? How are KPIs gotten?

5.Has the company implemented the OKR (Objectives and Key Results) methodology?

6.What software products are used to plan and track OKRs and KPIs?

7.Is HR ready to migrate processes to a digital environment?

8.How are job vacancy postings organised?

9.What are the features of the processes of hiring, firing, onboarding and transfer?

10.Is the company ready to apply gamification to workflow and communications?
What are the challenges facing the gamification process?

Results of the fourth stage
Expected results of the third stage:

  1. New recruits can ease into work without stress.
  2. Employee work in the unified system is accompanied with positive emotions.
  3. The processes of training and development of employees are carried out in the unified information system and are transparent.
  4. Achievements and KPIs of employees, progress on OKRs are transparent (to the extent that the company needs it).
  5. The HR department solves both technical and strategic tasks faster and easier
  6. Employees are happy to communicate in Salesforce.

The fourth stage is to bring joy to work. It is very important for the future of the company and its internal climate. When HR is easier to work with, employees smile more often. This is important.

The resource requirement table for the third stage of implementation requires detailed conversation with the HR department and planning. RIBERATEC will conduct a survey and prepare a project
IT service
Corporate Online Training Centre
Key leaders
Salesforce Implementation company

You can find the rest of roadmap for implementing Salesforce in a Enterprise here: